
Author: Arabi/አረብ/عرب

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  • Author: Arabi/አረብ/عرب

WHO IS ALLAH اللّهَ?

The Arabic word Allah literally means “The God”. Believers in Islam understand Allah to be the proper name for the Creator as found in the Qur’an. The name Allah is analogous to Eloh, a Semitic term found in the divine scriptures revealed to Muhammad’s predecessors Moses


Islam means to achieve peace – peace with God, peace within oneself, and peace with the creations of God – through wholly submitting oneself to God and accepting His guidance. The term Islam derives from the three-letter Arabic root, S (س)- L (ل)- M (م), which

Things which Nullify Fasting

Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever does not give up evil speech and related deeds, Allah is in no need of his leaving his food and drink (i.e. Allah will not accept his fasting).”   Things which Nullify Fasting are: Having Sexual Intercourse If a fasting person has


1. INTRODUCTION Five years ago, I read in the Toronto Star issue of July 3, 1990 an article titled “Islam is not alone in patriarchal doctrines”, by Gwynne Dyer. The article described the furious reactions of the participants of a conference on women and power held in

None of the Bible’s Writers Believed That Jesus is God:

﷽, Christians and Muslims both believe in Jesus, love him, and honor him. They are, however, divided over the question of his divinity. Fortunately, this difference can be resolved if we refer the question to both the Bible and the Quran, because, both the Bible and

Nageenya amantaa kamtu labsa?

LUBBUU AJJEESUU FI BALLEESSUU EENYUTUU AJAJA? {Qur’an Vs Bible} Maqaa Rabbii akkaan Mararfataa akkaan Raahmata Godhaa ta’eetiin. Hordoftoonni Amantii Kiristiyaanaa Yeroo baay’ee Amantiin islaamaa kan babal’atte Lubbuu namaa Ajjeesuu fi Ballleessuun Babal’ate, Akkasuma Qur’aanni Kabajamaan Lubbuu Ajjeesutti Ajaja Jedhanii Wanta Bu’uuraa Fi Ragaa hin qabne Odeessaa

Dhuguma Yesuus Ilma Waaqaatii?

Kaasahun;-Yesus ilma waaqaati! Malee ilma namaatii miti, Wangeela Yohaannis boqonna 3 lakkofsa 16 Waaqni              biyya lafaa kana akkaan waan jaalateef Ilma isaa tokkicha kenne jedha kanaafu Yesus Ilmawaaqaa ti! Arab;- Isin kiristaana duras ummanni biraa, kan waaqni ilma qaba jedhan

Dhuguma Yesuus dilii(cubbuu) hin dalaginii?

Alamaayyahu;-kitaaba Qulqullus tahee Qur’an keessattis bakki takka ta Yesuus dilii(cubbuu) dalage jettu hin jirtu! Arab;- MashaaAllah! Qur’aanas Qaraatee (dubbistee) jirtaa? Alamaayyahu;-hin Qaraane (hin dubbisne) yeroo Mahbara Quddusaanonni barsiisan suuraa(boqonnaa) tokko tokko jalaa Qabadhe (barreeffadhe). Arab;-Buruk isin hoo? Buruk faan;- eeyyee nutis akkamu isaati! Arab;- wangeela Luqaas

Dhuguma Yesuus Jaartii Qabaa?

Arab;- Iissaan (a.s) Fuudhus fuudhuu baatus nuti Muslimoota nun dinqisiisu Sabaabanis <<Suuraa Al Rakgdii boqonna 13 lakko 38 <> Fuudhuufi ilmas argachuun, sunnaa(karaa) Anbiyoota Rabbiiti, san jechuun kiyya ammoo Iissan (a.s) fuudhe jechuu kiyyaa miti,Garuu fuudhus nun dinqisiisu jechaan jira. Alamayyahu;-Iyyasuus dilii(cubbuu) irraa qulqulluudha, akkamitti jaartii

Gooftaa kan jedhaman hedduudha.

Wal marii Muslimoota fi kiristaanootaa guyyaan gaye, ganama keessa sa’a 3:00 yeroo gahu baay’inni namoota walitti qabamanii haalaan nama gammachiisa Arab:- Jalqabni dubbi maqaa Rabbii Rahgmata qabuuti. Qur’aan suuraa Aali’Imran boq. 3 lakk.85 <<Namni Diinaa Islaamaa dhiisee diinaa biraa barbaadu, namni erga Nabi Muhammad (a.s.w) ergame